
Why study at our department?

The Department of regional geography and regional development, its scientific and pedagogical work makes a significant contribution to ensure scientific and professional cadres for high schools, universities and various scientific, research or planning institutions.

Since the founding, more than 1500 students have finished and graduated as Master of Sciences (MSc./Mgr.) and Bachelor (Bc.), more than 80 candidates have finished with RNDr. degree (Rerum Naturalium doctor), 24 researchers have gained CSc. or PhD. degree and two researchers have been inaugurated to professor.

Study programmes

The department provides teaching at all grades of higher education: bachelor's, master's and postgraduate's degree.

At bachelor's degree provides education for monodisciplinary study within study programmes:

  • geography, regional development and European integration
  • geography and demography in state gevernment and self-government (also as external study)
  • geography and geoecology for landscape planning
  • geography, geoinformatics and remote sensing
  • geology in land use

The geography, regional development and European integration program is guaranteed by our department.

On master's degree the study program Regional geography, regional development and European integration is guaranteed by our department. The department is also involved in education of Geography and demography in state gevernment and self-government study program.

The department is also the guarantee of study program Regional geography on postgraduate's degree.

Our workplace is also involved in preparation of future geography teachers in combinations

  • mathematics - geography
  • biology - geography
  • physical education - geography
  • geography - informatics
  • geography - English language
  • geography - German language
  • geography - Slovak language
  • geography - history

Number of graduates since 2000


Since the establishment, the department has been providing teaching of The Regional geography of Slovak Republic (Czechoslovakia earlier) and The Regional geography of the world.

Profiling subjects currently are

  • General geography
  • Planetary geography and the introduction to geography
  • Introduction to political and regional geography
  • Geography of the Slovak Republic
  • World regional geography
  • Geographical analysis of a small region
  • Historical geography
  • Regional policy, regional planning and development

The subjects for the Regional geography, regional development and European integration are as follows:

  • Theory and methodology of regional geography
  • Theoretical geography
  • Regional analysis
  • Sustainable development and its regional scope
  • Purpose properties of the landscape
  • Economical usage of purpose properties of the landscape
  • Protection and creation of environment and its economic and legal aspects
  • Programming and designing in regional development
  • Regional planning and regional development in selected countries of the EU
  • Management of public administration
  • The European Union development and its prospects
  • European Union - European institutions and common policies
  • Urban geography
  • Rural geography
  • Regional geography of Europe
  • World regional geography – selected regions and problems
  • Regions of Slovakia - selected problems
  • The global trends of society development
  • The global trends of world development
  • The global trends of world economic development
  • Geopolitical development of the world after 1945
  • Ethnical and religion conflicts in Europe
  • Behavioural geography
  • Geography of retail and consumption
  • Geomarketing
  • Research of tourism regions
  • The special seminar of regional geography
  • Computer usage in regional geography
  • Thematic cartography
  • New trends in regional geography
  • Collection, mapping and primary processing of geographic information
  • Photo, audio and video documentation in geography
  • The methods of making scientific publications
  • etc.
The department provide also teaching of several subjects in English. At bachelor level it is "Geography in the world and Slovakia", in the Master's program it is "Regional studies". For faculty course in English "Environmental studies" provide teaching of subject "Geography".

Field research

Along the education, the department provides students

  • mapping courses (field practicing within subjects Geographical analysis of a small region, Rural geography, Sustainable development and its regional scope)
  • specialists practice (Field practicing in regional development institutions, Specialists practice in Regional geography)
  • field trips and expeditions focused on regional geography of Slovakia and foreign countries (Several countries of Central and Western Europe, the Baltic states, Scandinavia, the Balkans, the Apennines and the Iberian Peninsula, Iceland Russia, and also Tanzania, Zambia, Botswana, Maldives, Mexico and others.
    Recently, the Department also organizes geographic bicycle excursions, which are aimed at more detailed knowledge of the smaller areas.

    Excursion on bicycles on the Czech - Slovak border (2015) Excursion on bicycles around Neusiedler lake in Seewinkel (2016)

    The main purpose of field trips is to complete and practically apply the knowledge gained at lectures of The Regional geography of the Slovak Republic and The Regional geography of the world subjects. Students may observe and investigate basic attributes of the visited regions, their differences and particularities.

    Expedition of Tanzania - under a waterfall in the foothills of Meru volcano (2015) Excursion Czech - Germany - above the surface of the coal mine Družba
    in Sokolov basin (2017)

    Field trips also focus on visiting specific regions such as national parks, reservations, protected landscape areas, industrial nodes and agricultural landscapes. Surveys of famous places, cultural and historical sites or settlements that are exceptional from the geographical point of view are also the part of field trips.

    Georgia - beneath the Great Caucasus Crossing Pass at an altitude of 2,240 meters above sea level (2016)

    Significant part of all field trips are lectures, presentations and discussions with experts working in various sectors with geographical focus.

    Rafting on the Dunajec river in Pieniny,
    in the foreground are professor Lauko and professor Tolmaci (2015)
    Slovakia - students listening to the interpretation of ornithologists
    at Senianske ponds (2016)

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