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Dr. Katarína Danielová


Field of research
Teaching activities
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Grants to be solved
Additional information

Teaching activities

Bachelor degree:
for teaching students:
  • Earth macro-regions
  • Eurasia regions - selected issues
  • Protection of world and professional heritage
  • Geography of the world in the 21st century

    for students of professional orientation:
  • Introduction to the geography of the world and the macro-regions of the Earth
  • Urban geography
  • Geography of Europe
  • Protection of world natural and cultural heritage
  • Geography of the world in the 21st century

    Master's degree:
    for teaching students:
  • Regions of the world - selected problems

    for students of professional orientation:
  • Geography of Asia - selected problems and regions
  • Geography of Africa - selected problems and regions
  • Geography of Russia and post-Soviet space - selected problems and regions
  • Geography of America, Australia, oceans and polar regions - selected problems and regions
  • Regional Geography of Austria and Hungary

    Tutor of the thesis
    Bachelor degree: 63
    Master degree: 58

    Awarded Thanks of the Rector of Commenius University for leading the diploma thesis of Adam Rehák, who won the Rector of Commenius University Award for an excellent diploma thesis in the academic year 2018/2019

    Awarded the Memorial plaque of the IUVENTA Institute and the Slovak GO Commission for many years of work for the Geography Olympiad
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